Phytopet Aqua 30ml Herbal Relief For Urinary Infections Cystitis UTI Cat Dog Pet

Phytopet Aqua 30ml Herbal Relief For Urinary Infections Cystitis UTI Cat Dog Pet

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Product Details

This fast acting, liquid herbal supplement contains a combination of botanical extracts to help support the urinary tract. Our concentrated tinctures are probably the strongest available to the pet market.

Contains: Hydranger (Hydranger arborescens): A traditional remedy for urinary calculi, cystitis, urethritis and prostitis. Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi): A renowned urinary antiseptic, specifically indicated for acute catarrhal cystitis with dysuria and highly acid urine. Marshmallow (Althea officinalis): The soothing, healing, demulcent properties of Marshmallow, make it one natures best remedies for all types of inflammation and irritation.

Traditionally indicated for Cystitis, Urethritis and urinary calculi. Horsetail (Equisitum officinalis): Traditionally used for Cystitis and other urinary tract disorders due to its soothing healing action. Rich in silica which aids tissue repair and helps to preserve the elasticity of connective tissue. . Yarrow (Achilia milliflorum): Diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Promotes perspiration, thus, reducing fevers. Traditionally used in any mix for cystitis and kidney disorder. Cramp Bark (Vibernum oppulus): A good muscle relaxant aiding the spasms associated with urinary calculi and bladder infection. Additions: Carrots, garlic and potatoes mixed in to food, Slippery Elm powder mixed into water then added to food. Keep meats to a minimum until symptoms disappear.

Additional Information

Name Phytopet Aqua 30ml Herbal Relief For Urinary Infections Cystitis UTI Cat Dog Pet

SKU BP-361318